Polygon Annotation Services | Accurate Image Data Labeling
Annotation: Polygon Annotation Services

Here at GTS, we've got a knack for Polygon Annotation - it's the cool blend of creativity and logic that makes processing AI datasets possible. We meticulously draw polygons around specific objects in pictures to pinpoint and separate them with precision. By tracing objects closely in pictures, we can create accurate outlines that define and separate them well so machine learning models can recognize, categorize, and interact with these outlined objects in many uses.

90+ Countries
359 Projects

Fields We Serve:


Automotive: Enhance ADAS and autonomous driving systems by annotating vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles.

Agriculture: Detect and classify crop diseases, monitor growth, and assist in precision agriculture.

Medical Imaging: Accurately identify and trace the boundaries of tumors, organs, and other areas of interest.

Retail: Automate shelf-monitoring by annotating products, labels, and packaging.

Aerial Imaging: Annotate land usage, structures, and topographical features for geographical information systems and urban planning.

Wildlife Conservation: Monitor species by annotating individual animals in remote camera trap images.

Applications of Polygon Annotation:

  • Object Detection & Classification: By defining objects with polygonal boundaries, ML models can detect and classify objects in diverse environments.
  • Image Segmentation: For tasks requiring a deeper level of detail than simple bounding boxes, polygon annotations offer granularity, enabling pixel-perfect segmentation.
  • 3D Modeling & AR: When creating 3D models or augmented reality simulations, polygon annotations help in refining the edges and contours of objects for a seamless virtual experience.
  • Video markup: Keeping an eye on things, like sports stats or security footage, is easier when you tag each frame in a video to follow objects consistently.

Discover Excellence in Polygon Annotation with Us.

Our team comprises experienced annotators armed with cutting-edge tools, ensuring precision and consistency in every project. We have a team of skilled people who use the latest tools to make sure every project is done right. However small businesses and startups need to strategically target every marketing dollar.

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